Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

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Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research

The Tyndall Centre, founded in 2000, is a partnership of universities conducting interdisciplinary research and facilitating public and private solutions to mitigating and adapting to climate change. While acknowledging the role of travel in sharing ideas and developing connections in academia, the Centre argues that researchers flying to conferences, project meetings, and fieldwork are responsible for significant emissions, and urgently need to realign their culture in keeping with science-based low carbon policies.

The Tyndall Travel Strategy includes a system to justify and monitor travel emissions. The voluntary Code of Conduct supports individual and institutional emission reductions through:

  • Individual tracking of emissions and setting personal objectives to reduce emissions at least to national carbon emission commitments.
  • Locating meetings and other gatherings in places that facilitate low carbon footprint travel and provide technical support for non-traveling participation.
  • Encouraging self and others to accept not attending every meeting as a form of responsible behavior in response to climate change.
  • Advocating and valuing alternative metrics of success and low-carbon research as alternatives to high-carbon careers.

The Tyndall Centre’s analysis and roadmap for change is fully discussed in its 2015 report, “Towards a Culture of Low-Carbon Research for the 21st Century.