I don’t generally fly at all now, only attend conferences that I can get to by bus/train etc., but one of my children moved to Myanmar and I visited her early this year (2020 pre-pandemic). I did fly there but came back mainly by bus, train or boat, with two fairly short flights (Yangon – Chiang Mai and Singapore – Darwin). It was a great experience, I wrote it up here.
Footnote — Melbourne, especially my suburb, has been in lockdown most of the time since March, and other states won’t let Victorians enter because we have much higher Covid-19 rates here. All my teaching is online or by zoom, and I can’t travel more than 5 km from my home. So as I said in the blog, that big trip I did in February seems like a dream now. But the Victorian government has apparently given the ‘Overland,’ the Melbourne-Adelaide train, another respite, so it will still be going when we are allowed to travel again, I hope.
I did my PhD late in life and finished it in 2018. It was about promoting equity, environmental sustainability, and health in Victorian Primary Care Partnerships – more info here. I coordinate the unit ‘Climate Change and Public Health’ in the Masters of Public Health at Monash Uni, and generally rave on about sustainability and equity, Australian politics (deep sigh), and occasionally gardening and grandkids on Twitter as @valakay.