Steve O'Neil

Science educator/communicator and naturalist - Brevard, NC - USA
Brevard, NC - USA
Steve O'Neil

I only fly when absolutely necessary, such as when I need to visit family. When I fly I offset my air travel carbon footprint by contributing to

I also drive a fully electric vehicle as my daily driver and nonprofit outreach vehicle, and charge it daily with solar-produced electricity.

In class I teach the science of climate change, renewable energy, and electric vehicles to middle and high school students who are the future.

Research work:
Habitat use and movement study of Eastern box turtles, black rat snakes and timber rattlesnakes using radio telemetry techniques. Camera trap monitoring of black vulture nesting behaviour.

Volunteer with North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission – non-game and endangered wildlife program monitoring bats, amphibians and reptiles.

Work bio: Science educator/communicator, naturalist. Executive director of Earthshine Nature Programs 501c3.