Sandrine Roy

PhD candidate - Chambéry, FRANCE
Chambéry, FRANCE
Sandrine Roy

2017: Started my PhD at ISTerre Lab; 2018: Created with ten other researchers the working group “Eco-responsibility of the research community.” May 2018: First meeting of the working group; 2019: The group joins the international, cross-disciplinary collective of academic researchers

August 2019: I avoid flying from Chambéry to Dublin for the INQUA Congress by using train, carpooling, and sailing to reach Dublin. I had to fly back to France, as the weather didn’t allow water navigation that week.

Sept 2019: Survey GHG emissions of the lab.

Nov 2019: Creation of the noticeboard

I work at the ISTerre (Institute of Earth Sciences), University Savoie Mont Blanc. about the strike-slip faulting in Tierra del Fuego, Southernmost Patagonia (54°S). My main project is exploring interactions between glacial icesheet (unloading) & the neotectonic, mapping the Mw7.5 (1949) surface rupture of the Magallanes-Fagnano fault and analyzing the impact on river catchments evolution.