Ray Taylor

Founder, ALLFED - Oxford, UK and Colombo, Sri Lanka
Oxford, UK and Colombo, Sri Lanka
Ray Taylor

I worked on this in the 1990s with California’s Joanna Macy, Marshall Rosenberg, George Marshall (Climate Outreach, UK) and others. I developed a little communications package (before Nudge Theory was famous) called “Helping People to Enjoy Choosing to Fly Less Often” which aims to maximise behaviour change, not change beliefs. It works really well and I’d be happy to share – it can be applied to eating less meat also. I love what you’re doing and agree it’s a very high priority, and necessary, but no longer sufficient, which is why I co-founded www.ALLFED.us

One small tip that gets people thinking and is especially important for India, where I now live and work: flying in November and flying direct in combination with a night bus or night train are two of the easiest to apply emissions reduction strategies, beyond obvious ones like using WhatsApp and ZoomCall. Displacement is far better than offsetting, and would work really well for academics in India, who are flying more and more.

Medical background (cortisol as a stress hormone, then vaccination programmes in Madagascar, which took me into hurricane and then climate work) Became a climate person in Oxford, then Findhorn Ecovillage, then worked on land-atmosphere meteorology and Kigali revision of Montreal Protocol, to limit super-powerful greenhouse gases such as HCFCs. I now focus on famine prevention for the period 2030-2050, with climate scientists, volcanologists, engineers, and (whisper it) economists!