For many reasons I’ve not flown since 2003; I don’t drive, either. I’ve developed active personal vehicle FELA and registered startup to deliver it for the mass market. Technically, it can replace cars for city trips and cut GHG emissions by 20% worldwide. With ICT, it’s needless to fly — any info, every personal talk is just a click or tap away.
BTW, passive hypermobility is noticeably stupifying.
I’m an R&D engineer, PhD.
Computer modelling shows FELA has 10Wh/km cruising at 50km/h v. 150Wh/km of Tesla. being 50x lighter, FELA is ~60x more sustainable than Tesla (in life cycle analysis). The data is reliable as each of 4000 velomobiles on the road is a working prototype of FELA in terms of energy efficiency.