Working in Greenland makes flying less pretty challenging. However, in the last few years I’ve been committed to reducing the number of flights that I take, both for professional and personal purposes. I’ve now switched to land (and sea) transport for all conference attendance, and I even cycled/toured to one conference in the North of Scotland. It’s been a shame to have missed out on certain conferences (for example AGU in the US, and PAM in Greenland and New Zealand), however I value the reduced impact that my lack of attendance has had more.
Besides, there’s plenty going on that’s accessible from my own doorstep without flying, and there’s always Skype. When it comes to field work, I try to reduce the number of return trips per year that I take. Currently, I’m taking one trip or less each year. This has meant that I’ve often stayed in the field for extensive periods to reduce the need for multiple trips; win-win I’d say!
I explore the microbial ecology of glacial environments. This research is driven by a fascination of how microbial communities power the biogeochemical cycling of these majestic, extreme ecosystems.