Dave Horne

Professor of Micropalaeontology, Queen Mary University of London - London, UK
London, UK
Dave Horne

I have never been a frequent flyer but have done long-haul flights (USA and Canada several times, Brazil, South Africa, Japan) for research collaborations and conferences – often trying to combine with a holiday. I now have to question whether I need to fly at all – road and rail trips around Europe are relatively easy alternatives, and more distant collaborations can be managed by email and Skype. I cannot entirely rule out flying, but I will always question the need and consider alternatives.

I specialise in the study of living and fossil ostracod crustaceans, both marine and freshwater, and their applications in palaeoclimatology, palaeoceanography, biogeography, crustacean phylogeny, and the evolution of sex and parthenogenesis.

My current research focuses particularly on developing my Mutual Ostracod Temperature Range method and applying it to the quantitative palaeoclimatic reconstruction of Quaternary archaeological sites. I also work on Mesozoic and Palaeozoic ostracods and their applications. I collaborate in multidisciplinary research with scientists in the UK as well as mainland Europe, Japan, Canada, and the USA. I explore Mars in my spare time.