As an academic based in New Zealand, the isolation imposed by distance from many colleagues and collaborators makes the act of flying less frequently quite painful (professionally speaking).
However, I teach and research geochemistry and climate (with a focus on past climate change). I also have two beautiful children and cannot countenance the dichotomy of understanding the huge risk from man-made climate change and personally contributing to it (mainly through flying).
My approach is to fly internationally no more than once per year, but even then I emit much more carbon than I would wish to.
I’m a lead investigator on an international project aimed at developing quantitative proxies of past climate change. I use chemical approaches to address questions in ancient paleoclimates and modern environments.
My work on paleoclimate forms the basis of my Rutherford Discovery Fellowship. Prior to this I completed a PhD at the University of Birmingham and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of New South Wales.