For the last year, I have been trying to fly less. I am still an ECR (Early Career Researcher), but I have to travel quite often (once per month at least) in Italy and around Europe. I find it quite convenient to take the train if possible; in many cases, it is even faster than going to the airport. Another good option is a night train, that can also save you a night in a hotel (this year I have done Milan->Paris and Zurich->Berlin with night trains).
Of course, to reach more distant places (>1000 km) it becomes unfeasible, since there are very few high-speed trains to take. I think that something is changing, but a large number of colleagues still see me as a bit crazy and are not even looking at alternatives to planes when planning a business trip to a conference or a meeting.
Alberto Antonietti got his Ph.D. in Bioengineering in May 2018, working at the Neuroengineering and Medical Robotics Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. During his Ph.D., he has worked on computational neuroscience topics related to motor learning, in particular on the cerebellum.
Now he is working as a Postdoctoral research fellow, with interests not limited to computational neuroscience topics. He has been active in scientific communities of neuroinformatics and bioengineering, with a keen interest in promoting Open Science and Open Data.