Chris Watson

Architect - Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand
Chris Watson

In 2004 I calculated the climate impact of conference a conference I attended in Vancouver. I found that the average delegate traveled 7,000km to the conference and offered a paper on the topic to the conference the following year. It attracted almost no interest.

In 2014 I published “Beyond Flying” with Green Books UK. The book is a compilation of 14 travel stories of people who quit flying, or fly less, and the impact on their lives.

I have maintained my interest in the topic with regular Twitter contributions, running several video seminars, attended not flying teleconferences, and opposing airport expansion in planning processes.

I am on the executive committee of the International Climate Safe Travel Institute.

My climate safe travel includes regular overnight buses and trains and I’ve traveled 3,000, and 4,000 km bus and train trips and 10,000km Oslo – Shanghai by the Trans Siberian Express.
